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July 30, 2008

Docks + Band Back

Yesterday I forgot to post about what stage there was at the dock, so I’ll tell you today.
Yesterday the Orca-Straw theme was at the Dock.

And today it’s the Rock theme… Again?!

I wonder what will be there tomorrow? Something new (Easy Island Music) or old (Bubble Pop)?

The Band is back from their “break” and are back at the Iceberg. This means you can’t spot them Backstage and the Background won’t be available 😦 🙂

In other news: It was there since the Music Jam started, I knew it, but I never told you! The CP Homepage also has a Music Jam theme.

And there’s a new Comic at the Community, again with that extreme penguin. Click the image below to read the comic.
Fun Activites


June 15, 2008

GWA Party + Homepage Update

Yesterday was the GWA Summer Kick Off Party at Frozen in Wwe Adam’s Igloo. It was great. Famous penguins were there like Wwe Adam, Gator360, Supposed2, but also Arctic Furry, Snow Dobby etc..

It was super cool, I loved it ! 😀 !
Wwe Adam  Jellyboard & Wwe Adam Supposed2 Gator360 Wwe Adam\'s Igloo (GWA Party)
Sorry, the pictures are in very bad quality 😦

I had a blast 😆

Homepage Update
Besides that the Club Penguin homepage has also been updated. The Lighthouse is now a palm tree, a water slide is by the Mountain and there are headlines from the blog. It’s for the Water Party, duh!


May 6, 2008

Rockhopper is Gone Back Home Again!

As you maybe know, Rockhopper is gone. He has left. He went back in the rebuilt Migrator to Rockhopper Island. So if you check out the beach, the Migrator is gone. This means that you can’t enter the Migrator, Ship Hold, Crow’s Nest or the Captain’s Quarters, you also can’t play Treasure Hunt anymore. (On the CP Blog, Screenhog has writen a cool post about Treasure Hunt with some sketches, I will post that later today.)
Rockhopper Is Gone

Also go to the Lighthouse, and then to the Beacon to check out the Telescope, there you can see the Migrator going away.
The Migrator In The Telescope Going Away

Also on the CP Homepage, the Migrator is also gone.

P.S. If you were on the Migrator and in the new room, you see a Notice Board, well I’ve made an Alternitive Version of that Notice Board (click image to enlarge).
Rockhopper\'s Alternitive Notice Board

April 25, 2008

Rockhopper and Yarr’s Party

Hi, today is the Pirate Party. But I can’t log in on Club Penguin today for some reason. For the reason of not logging in, check the last part of this post! The information I have is from other websites.
The party is the same like last year’s Pirate Party.

There is a T-shirt at the beach, but this was already yesterday and in my last post.

There is a Sailor Hat at the Plaza (just like last year, same item, same place).
(Image from Watex)

There is a NEW pin at the Ski Village (hey 😕 at the Pirate Party of last year the pin was also here).
(Image also from Watex)

So for older penguins who were there at last year’s Pirate Party; it’s a bit boring (only a pin), but still it’s a party, and parties are always C 🙂 8) L!

And there’s a new Sports Catalog, but with no secrets or new backgrounds, but with some cool baseball stuff.

And on the Club Penguin homepage (you know, the Migrator is there.
Migrator on Homepage

Not Logging In:
The servers aren’t working, but it’s something with Club Penguin that they’re updating, so nothing to do with your computer, first I thought it was something with my computer, but then other penguins also noticed it, this is why I couldn’t make pictures of my own for this post.

Cya 😉

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