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June 27, 2008

Rockhopper + Sports Catalog!

Rockhopper is back in town!! You might meet him, or just visit his ship and check out the items. 😦 Again another old item returned, the Stuffed Parot, now all the noobs can walk around in it and I can never wear it again ’cause it’s so new, why doesn’t Club Penguin think of some new cool items?? Anyway, the free item is, like I said, the Stuffed Parot (together with some furniture and member clothes).
Rockhopper\'s Items

Also be sure to check out the Notice Board in the Captain’s Quarters (haven’t found the key yet, it in the last page of Rockhopper’s Journal (Book Room)), because it’s changed!
Notice Board

Sports Catalog
There is a new Sports Catalog, this time the theme is…… Sport 😆 But it has some cool stuff like basketballs, (American) footballs and soccerballs. And try dancing with the soccerball and see what happens 😉 There is one new secret; click on the soccerball for the cleats.

Then there is the silver surfboard cheat, and a new background.


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